
+34 611 81 37 22

The mission was to obtain a license for a bar/cafeteria located in Avenida Icària, right in front of the shopping center of La Vila, a versatile place to satisfy the clientele of tomorrow, afternoon and night. This place was the first of a franchise concept based on a design with pallets and a lot of wood and a functional menu.


The mission was to obtain a license for a bar/cafeteria located in Avenida Icària, right in front of the shopping center of La Vila, a versatile place to satisfy the clientele of tomorrow, afternoon and night. This place was the first of a franchise concept based on a design with pallets and a lot of wood and a functional menu.

In the design phase, all the facilities of the kitchen, the dining room and the washbasins were projected to fulfill all the norms and serve for the pleasure of the clients.

A key point for obtaining the EAC certificate was the noise measurement. The refrigerator room that we did not have expected to provide too many dB to the upper floor in fact did and the regulators told us that at night the noise could not surpass the 25dB in the bedroom, therefore we had to do special reinforcements in that part of the place and outsource a company’s specialized in acoustics.

This project also obtained permission to use the outer space as a terrace.

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