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What is the activity license for industrial warehouses?

The activity license for industrial warehouses is an essential authorization to legalize facilities intended for production, transformation, storage, or logistics. Issued by municipalities, it requires compliance with municipal and regional regulations, which vary depending on the location.

Requirements include proper location according to the General Urban Planning Plan, submission of projects, certification of electrical installation, and fire protection. In the specific case of food industrial warehouses, the sanitary registration and the HACCP certificate are added.

At Vallcorba Engineering, we offer comprehensive services to obtain these licenses, ensuring regulatory compliance and efficiency in the process, from documentation to facility legalization. The obtaining involves double validation, with municipalities being in charge, but with additional verification by the regional industry council.

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What are the requirements to obtain the activity license for an industrial warehouse?

To obtain the activity license for an industrial warehouse, several requirements must be met:

  1. Appropriate location: The warehouse must be correctly located according to the Urban Planning General Plan of the municipality, ensuring compatibility with the area.
  2. Project: The realization and presentation of a project are required, usually prepared by an engineering company, such as VallcorbaEnginyers, covering aspects such as electrical installation and fire protection.
  3. Certified electrical installation: The electrical installation must be certified by an authorized installer.
  4. Fire protection: An appropriate fire protection system must be implemented according to the risk of the activity, following current legislation.
  5. Application for a major works license or Responsible Declaration: Depending on whether it is a new industrial warehouse or a renovation, the corresponding application must be submitted.
  6. Registration in the Industrial Registry (RI): It is necessary to process registration in the Industrial Registry, dependent on the industry council of the autonomous administration.
  7. Specific documentation for food industries: In the case of a food industrial warehouse, the sanitary registration (RGSEAA) and the HACCP certificate must be obtained.

Compliance with these requirements, along with the appropriate presentation of the documentation to the corresponding authorities, ensures the obtaining of the activity license for the industrial warehouse.

Frequently Asked Questions about Activity Licenses for Industrial Warehouses

Who grants the activity license for industrial warehouses?

The license is granted by the municipalities and validated by the regional industry council.

What are the basic requirements to obtain the license?

Requirements include appropriate location, project, electrical certification, fire protection, and corresponding application.

How long does it take to obtain the activity license?

It varies depending on the activity; it can be short or take months.

Are there any financial aids or tax benefits available?

Some municipalities offer tax benefits for new activities.

Is it difficult to obtain an activity license for industrial warehouses?

It can be challenging to obtain these types of licenses, especially if you do not have previous experience in these types of procedures, which often involve a considerable bureaucratic aspect. However, with the help of a company like VallcorbaEnginyers, you will not have any problems, and the attention and energy you need to dedicate to it will be significantly reduced.

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